If you have signed up for the course using new Photigy platform (the indicator of a new platform is when url stats from "photigy.com/school/) for the first time (meaning you did not have account before) , you will be signed automatically after the payment made, with a message and a button linked to your course start page:

We are also will send you e-mail with your account information that photigy has generated for you when created account. 

However, if you already have account and did not log-in before making another purchase, you will no be redirected to the course (no auto-login). We made this to protect your account from hacking it with your email address by someone else, since auto-login is only using email to login.
Meaning that you need to login to see the course you just bought.

Please look for the email we sent you earlier with your account information. It might be in your SPAM folder - please pull it from there marking "not spam", otherwise you'll be missing products updates and important account information.  

To login, please navigate to Photigy Login page: https://www.photigy.com/school/login/